Reassessment Examinations Abroad

Reassessment Examinations Abroad

53 All examinations should take place at the University. However, it is recognised that in a few exceptional circumstances you may be permitted to take reassessment examinations overseas during the reassessment period. Applications to sit examinations abroad will only be considered under the following circumstances:

• Certified exceptional circumstances which result in you being unable to sit examinations at the University, such as the expiry of a Student Visa.
• Certified active military service that requires you to be away from the University.
• Representing a home nation at an international sporting event.
• An employment opportunity which is relevant to your course (certified by a letter of employment).

54 It should be noted that:

• It is not possible to sit an exam for an accredited course off campus.
• The University Exams Team cannot guarantee the arrangement of an overseas exam venue and sitting time. Where this occurs, students will be advised to contact their Student Support Adviser to explore the options available.

55 All applications will require independent evidence of the reason stated, e.g., proof of representation at a sporting event. Should you submit an application form with 'certified exceptional circumstance', your application and supporting evidence will be reviewed at a panel meeting and a decision will be made based solely on the information that has been provided.

56 If your application is approved, the examination will be held in a location approved by the University. The host institution may charge costs which you will be required to pay.