During Your Online Examination

During Your Online Examination

43 The Academic Conduct Regulation outlines the behavioural expectations of candidates completing any examination. You are reminded that this is an individual task and that students who contact or collude with other students, or commission tutoring or third-party assistance to complete their examination, may be subject to sanction later.

44 It is a fundamental principle that students are assessed fairly and equitably. The Academic Conduct Regulation defines unfair behaviour relating to an examination to be 'cheating'. The University will investigate and may sanction any acts or behaviours which breach the Code of Academic Conduct.

45 Online examinations are time-limited assessments; you are responsible for managing your time appropriately. The duration is shown on MyTimetable and information is available via Blackboard.

46 You are responsible for ensuring that you know how to submit your exam script, when the deadline is, and that you submit the script in enough time before the deadline expires. It is anticipated that Blackboard will be slower around submission times.

47 It is possible that you may encounter technical issues during the exam; if you have any difficulty with IT you should consult the below student guidance document on My Hallam which contains useful information on hints and tips, contact numbers and links to support: Student Examination Guidance | Sheffield Hallam University (shu.ac.uk).


Information for students with Learning Contracts:

49 If you feel you may have difficulties with examinations due to an impairment, medical condition, or specific learning disability, it is your responsibility to make Disabled Student Support aware of your needs and to provide supporting evidence. For assistance, please contact disability-support@shu.ac.uk or your Student Support Adviser.

50 If you require specific provisions for your examination, please be aware that your Learning Contract must be published at least five working days before the publication date of your examination timetable to ensure that your adjustments are put in place in time for your examination. If your Learning Contract was published after this date, it will not normally be possible to accommodate your support arrangements in the scheduled exams, but adjustments will be applied in future examination periods.

51 If you have a Learning Contract that allows for another attempt at an examination for disability-related reasons, you should contact your Student Support Adviser within five working days of the examination if you think that your disability has significantly affected your performance. Following the release of your marks, you must also contact your Student Support Adviser to confirm whether you do or do not wish to take the examination again. It should be noted that if you do make another attempt at the examination, your second mark will stand, even if this is lower than your first attempt.

52 If you require a temporary adjustment due to a short-term physical injury (e.g. a broken limb) you should email the University Exams Team at exams@shu.ac.uk as soon as possible, and at least five working days before the date of your examination, with information about your condition along with supporting medical evidence. The University Exams Team will review your request and if it is accepted, they will attempt to put your extra support in place. However, please note that it may not be possible to accommodate your support arrangements and you will be notified by email to confirm whether your extra provision has been put in place. If it has not, you will be advised to speak to your Student Support Adviser regarding your options.

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