During your In Person Examination

During your In Person Examination

27  All examinations have 15 minutes reading time. You should use this time to read all questions and raise your hand to ask any questions you may have about them during this period. For written examinations you may write on the question paper at this time, but not in the answer booklet. For computer-based examinations you may write on the spare paper provided. You must not commence writing in your answer booklet or completing your online examination until instructed to do so by the invigilator.

28 If you need to ask a question you should raise your hand and wait for an invigilator to assist you.

29 All rough work must be written in the answer booklet provided. A line should be drawn through such rough work to indicate to the examiner that it is not part of the work to be marked. You may not use any type of correction fluid or tape. If your examination paper states that spare paper is provided then your rough work should be written on this, rather than in the answer booklet, and handed in at the end of the examination.

30 Pages must not be torn out of the answer booklet and any booklets which have been defaced will not be marked.

31 You must write in ink or use a ballpoint pen, other than when completing a multiple-choice answer sheet or when the instructions state otherwise.

32 It is your responsibility to ensure that your assessment submission is legible and, if necessary, to seek appropriate support and guidance. Where a disability or medical condition impedes the legibility of your work, it is your responsibility to request, in the first instance, reasonable exam adjustments. If your examination script is illegible, you will be required to transcribe the script, under supervision, prior to marking. If you repeatedly submit illegible scripts, your work will not be marked and will be deemed to be a fail.

33 If you are sitting a computer-based examination you must only use the software specified on the examination paper. Any attempt to access information from any other software will be reported in line with the Academic Conduct Regulation.

34 In order to minimise disruption to other candidates, you are not permitted to leave the venue during the first 30 minutes or the last 15 minutes of the examination unless you feel unwell. For examinations of up to 1 hour 30 minutes, you cannot normally leave until the end of the exam. If you do need to leave the room urgently, you must seek the permission of the invigilator.

35 Should you need to temporarily leave the examination venue, such as to use a toilet, then you must remain in your seat and attract the attention of the invigilator. You will then be accompanied out of the examination venue by an invigilator. If you leave the examination unattended, you will not be allowed to return to the venue.

36 If you wish to leave the examination early, you must have your script collected by the invigilator before you leave your desk. You will not be allowed to leave the examination venue during the last fifteen minutes of the assessment to avoid disturbing other candidates.

37 In the event of illness, should you feel unable to continue with the examination, you must remain seated and raise your hand to attract the attention of an invigilator before leaving the examination venue. You should then contact your Student Support Adviser to discuss whether you need to submit an EC request in line with the Extensions and Exceptional Circumstances Policy and Procedure.

38 In the event of a fire alarm during the examination, you must follow the instructions of the invigilator, not take any papers or materials from the venue, and leave the building in silence. You should not remove any personal belongings from the designated area. You will remain under examination conditions and therefore must not interact with other candidates. You must not re-enter the venue before you are instructed to do so.

39 Where errors are detected on examination papers or disturbances occur during an examination sitting, mitigation may be applied in accordance with the following classifications:

Minor - no mitigation action required following the examination sitting
Moderate - mitigation action required following the examination, for example, via an adjustment to marking.
Severe - mitigation action required following the examination, typically via the offer of an uncapped resit of the examination, marked as a first sitting of the affected assessment.

In all cases, you must have attended the affected examination to be eligible for any mitigation.

40 You must ensure by the end of a written examination that the front cover of the answer booklet has been completed, any additional sheets have been securely attached to the answer booklet with the tag provided and that your details have been entered on each additional sheet. For computer-based examinations, you must have submitted your work according to the instructions provided.

41 When time is called at the end of the examination, you must stop working immediately. You must remain seated and silent until all scripts have been collected and counted, work has been submitted, and the invigilator gives the signal to leave the venue.

42 You are not permitted to remove any other materials, other than your own personal property, from the examination venue.

Go to: During your Online Examination