Progressing on your course whilst an appeal is being considered

Progressing on your course whilst an appeal is being considered

15. We will prioritise appeals against decisions that are preventing you from continuing the course or progressing to the next level of study. However, if we cannot conclude the appeal by the start of a new academic year or block of study, you may be allowed to attend teaching and submit assessment pending the outcome of the appeal provided that the appeal has been submitted on time and is still being considered at either stage of the appeals procedure at the start of the new academic year or block of study.

16. You must speak to a Student Support Adviser to discuss whether this option is available to you and to ensure that you understand the implications of progressing to the next academic year or continuing on your course pending the outcome of your appeal. Each case will be considered on an individual basis and if you are permitted to continue with your studies, it will be under the following conditions:

• Your enrolment status will be conditional (pending the outcome of the appeal) which means that you will not be charged tuition fees, and you will not be able to access student funding.
• If your course includes a placement, it may not be possible to attend placement pending the outcome of your appeal.
• Once we have made the final decision on your appeal, your conditional enrolment status will be updated accordingly.

17. If your case is under consideration by the OIA and the decision appealed against would prevent you from progressing normally on the course at the start of an academic year, you are not permitted to attend the programme or take assessments and are not permitted to enroll.