Appeals and Complaints

Appeals and Complaints


1.  We recognise that we are a large and complex organisation and know that problems may arise from time to time. You are encouraged and expected to raise any concerns with us immediately, so we have an opportunity to discuss these with you at an early stage. This prevents matters from becoming more complex and difficult to resolve.

2.  In most cases, concerns can be resolved quickly through discussion with a relevant member of staff such as your academic adviser, course leader, student support adviser etc. However, there are times when this approach may not provide the outcome you are seeking or where the concerns you are raising require more detailed investigation and consideration before we can respond. In these cases, you may decide that you want to report your concerns via one of our formal processes.

3.  This document sets out:

* The types of concerns you can report and the process for reporting them.

* How we will support you in reporting concerns and remove potential barriers to you doing so.

* The core principles by which all concerns will be considered.

Reporting concerns

4.  You can report a concern to the university where:

You are concerned about a decision made by an academic body that makes decisions on student progress, assessment, or awards.

These concerns are considered under the Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure 

Report these concerns here:

You are concerned about teaching or service-related matters.

These concerns are considered under the Student Complaints Policy and Procedure

Report these concerns here:

You are concerned about the behaviour of a member of staff.

These concerns are considered under the Student Complaints Policy and Procedure

Report these concerns here:

You are concerned about the behaviour of other students.

These concerns are considered under the Student Disciplinary Regulations.

Report these concerns here: Report + Support - Sheffield Hallam University (


5.  We recognise that the prospect of reporting concerns can be confusing, challenging, and distressing for some students. We aim therefore to make the process of reporting as simple and straightforward as possible and to provide you with appropriate support where you need it.

6.  We do not want any student to feel they cannot report a concern because of being unsure how to do so or what will happen if they do report. We can therefore assure you that:

* We will support you to understand which process to use and what information is required. Please contact Hallam Help in the first instance to request support.

* You will not be disadvantaged by reporting via an incorrect process (for example you have submitted an appeal, and it should be a complaint). We will simply contact you to explain that we have moved your report to the correct process. Normally, you will not have to complete another form, but we will let you know if we need additional information.

*We can be flexible and provide additional time to report concerns if necessary. Please contact if you feel you may need more time.

*All information submitted will be dealt with confidentially and will only be disclosed to those parties involved in the investigation and consideration of the matter or as required by law. Where we feel it is necessary to speak to a person named in your complaint, we will discuss this with you first to check that you are happy for us to do so.

7.  We recognise that there may be specific barriers to reporting concerns for students with protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act. We are committed to removing those barriers and the ways in which we do this include:

* Providing alternative methods for you to report your concerns where a protected characteristic presents a barrier to completing the written concerns form.

* Enabling where appropriate a third-party to report the concerns on your behalf where it is unreasonable to expect you to do this yourself.

* Taking advice from relevant services within the university about the context and importance of the concerns you are raising to ensure we are seeing things from your perspective.

8.  If you wish to seek independent advice about your concerns, we recommend the Student Union Advice Centre as being the appropriate source of informed and independent support. If you are asked to attend a formal meeting, an adviser from the Student Union Advice Service can help you prepare and may be able to accompany you to the meeting (subject to availability).

9.  You can also contact Hallam Help and the Student Policy, Casework and Compliance Team via for advice and support.


10.  In considering your concerns, investigators and adjudicators will be guided by the following core principles:


We will listen to you and ensure that your voice is heard. We will provide a space in which you feel comfortable and confident in disclosing information.


We will ensure equal access to processes to people who might otherwise feel excluded or marginalised, such as those with disabilities or belonging to other minority groups.


We will act impartially and ensure that decision-making is not influenced by an imbalance of power between the university and yourself. Our processes will follow the principles of natural justice and ensure that the correct decision is made. Staff considering concerns will be independent from your area of study.


We will always be mindful that we are dealing with individual people who all have different needs and challenges. Whilst we may not agree with all the points you are raising or to the redress you are seeking, we will consider your overall situation and explore supportive outcomes wherever possible.


We will give clear explanations for the decisions we make and provide you with copies of all the information considered when making those decisions.