Professional Checks for Education and Health Students

Professional Checks for Education and Health Students

Welcome to the SHU Professional Checks Website

Congratulations on your offer of a place here at Sheffield Hallam University!

Applicants to our Health and Social care courses and Education courses are required to complete a number of professional checks. Some of these checks are managed by organisations outside of the University. It is essential that you start these checks immediately to avoid any delays in starting your course. There is no charge for any of the checks.

These are separate to the academic requirements and enable us to assess your suitability to undertake your chosen course, as outlined by the Professional Statutory and Regulatory Body requirements set by the registered bodies associated with your chosen profession.

Please note that if you are outstanding any checks at the start of your course you will be conditionally enrolled, which can only last a maximum of 4 weeks after the date of enrolment. If you haven’t completed the requirements by the deadline, your place on the course will be withdrawn.

For PGCE applicants ONLY - these checks impact on the progression of your application. Failure to complete the required checks prior to your course start date will prevent you from enrolling and will result in you being withdrawn.

All applicants are required to complete:


  • FOR PGCE APPLICANTS ONLY: You are required to complete a degree verification check in person at the University.
  • FOR HEALTH STUDENTS ONLY: You must reach the required level of immunisations before you can attend placement.

To support you with completing your professional checks, you can download our checklist here (DOCX, 63KB) which outlines each step you must complete.


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