Application misconduct procedure

Application misconduct procedure

The University's terms and conditions for students include the following statement (12.1).

'The University may without liability terminate this agreement at any time immediately by written notice if you are in material breach of the Terms and Conditions and in particular in the following circumstances:

a) If you have provided false, incomplete or misleading information in relation to your application for admission to the University'

If an allegation of providing false, incomplete or misleading information is made, the process described below should be followed. This process covers providing false, incomplete or misleading information at an interview as well as on a written application.

The Executive Dean of the student's faculty or the Director of Student and Academic Services shall appoint an appropriate member of staff to consider the allegation (the Adjudicator).

If, after the allegation is made but before a decision is made, the student concerned is on, or about to participate in, a placement, the Adjudicator may terminate the placement or stop the student from starting the placement with immediate effect. This decision may be made if, in the judgement of the Adjudicator, the allegation, if it were true, would call into question the competence or other suitability of the student to undertake the placement.

The Adjudicator shall write to the student indicating the nature of the allegation and giving the student 10 working days notice of a meeting to discuss the allegation. The student shall be informed that he or she can be accompanied by another person but this person cannot be a professional legal representative who has been employed to act on the student’s behalf. In the event of a student failing to attend, the Adjudicator may continue the investigation and come to a decision without a meeting.

The Adjudicator may invite one or more appropriate people to advise him or her and to attend any meeting. There should be a written record of any meeting.

In reaching a conclusion the Adjudicator shall first decide whether or not the allegation is true.

If the allegation is found to be true, this may result in a decision to terminate the student's contract with the University with immediate effect. In reaching a conclusion the Adjudicator shall take into account the following:

  • if the University had known the full information at the application stage would an offer have still been made;
  • does the dishonesty involved in making a false or incomplete declaration call into question the suitability of the student either to be a member of the University community or for the course on which he or she is registered;
  • any mitigating circumstances put forward by the student.

The Adjudicator may make one of the following decisions and should inform the student of this in writing as soon as possible:

  • the allegation is not true
  • the allegation is true but no further action will be taken;
  • the allegation is true and the student will be warned as to future conduct;
  • the allegation is true and the student's contract with the University will be terminated with immediate effect.

The student has the right to appeal. This should be put in writing to the Secretary and Registrar within 10 working days of receipt of the letter indicating the decision. The Secretary and Registrar will review the action taken. The student does not have the right to a meeting. The decision of the Secretary and Registrar shall be final and not subject to review by any other University body or officer.

Issued by the University Secretariat
1 February 2007

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