Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I can’t get a guarantor for my rented accommodation.

Most student accommodation landlords and agents require students to have a guarantor, to protect accommodation from damage / non-payment of rent etc. In some circumstances, the Local Authority has acted as guarantor for students who come to university from care. You might be able to look into this with your Personal Adviser or Social Worker. You can also seek advice from the SHU Accommodation Team.

The other option would be to pay your accommodation cost for the year upfront to avoid the need for a guarantor if you’re able to secure funds from the Local Authority.

What is the SHU Guarantor insurance scheme?

If you aren’t able to find a guarantor and can’t afford to pay your accommodation costs upfront, SHU offer a Guarantor Insurance scheme for students who choose to live in University allocated halls of residence. The scheme costs £190 (+£5 fee) and you will need to contact the SHU accommodation team for more information.

I’m feeling stressed out / overwhelmed but I don’t want to ask for help

Many students feel overwhelmed when they come to university. I know I did! If you’re coming from a non-conventional background, there may be more things to worry about and it may not be easy to ask for help. If you’re used to dealing with social workers, you may feel as though asking for support at uni will be similar to talking to your social worker. This isn’t the case. We’re here to support all students and to help you make the most of your time here.

We understand that people come to uni from all walks of life and that those who come from the care system may not always have access to the same support that others take for granted, such as support from family members. You can talk to us in confidence, we will listen to you and respect your views and concerns. The only time we might need to break confidentiality would be if we felt there was a serious risk of harm to you or someone else. We think of each student as an individual on your own journey through education. We’re here to support you along the way and help you to achieve the success you deserve. You are welcome to email us at or contact Hallam Help.

I’m really down and I don’t know who to talk to

There are many places you could turn if you’re feeling down and it is up to you who you decide to trust. Our Student Wellbeing team is a good place to start.

I need practical / financial support

If you’ve found yourself in a situation where you don’t have access to the basic things you need to live a good student lifestyle, or if you’ve not applied for Student Finance or accommodation, get in touch as soon as possible! We will help you to get it sorted. Worrying about money is the last thing you need when you’re starting life as a university student! Get in touch with Student Funding or contact Hallam Help.

I’m worried my studies will suffer because of personal issues affecting me outside of university

If you feel comfortable to do so, you should talk to someone at the earliest opportunity, if you think that your studies might be affected by things going on outside of uni. You could contact your named contacts first of all, who will be able to talk you through the support that’s available at Hallam and put you in touch with some relevant contacts in your faculty and elsewhere.

I’d like you to speak to my social worker to tell them how I’m getting on – can you do that?

You can email us at if you feel it would be helpful for us to speak with someone in your local authority about any aspect of your university life. We will only share information about you with your social worker or personal adviser if you specifically ask us to.

I would like to talk to someone about my career options. Where do I start?

The Careers and Employability Service have designated advisers working specifically with students who are care leavers. For an insight into the support available, please see the Careers and Employability website which has information for care leavers and all students.

I want to get involved in extra-curricular activities, like sports or social clubs. Where do I start?

What are you interested in? Have you always wanted to learn a skill or take up a sport but never had the opportunity? University is an excellent place to start a new hobby. It’s never too late – and while you are a student you will have a bit more time to spend honing your skills! Why not take a look at the Hallam Union website for details of all the clubs and societies.

Is there any support for applicants who are care leavers?

If you are considering applying for Sheffield Hallam, or you are currently an applicant, you may be eligible to join our SHU Progress applicant support scheme. It provides additional support throughout the application process, from the year you choose to apply to university through to becoming a university student.