Moving on

Moving on

Information and support to help you when it is time to leave university and move on.

Leaving university can be a stressful and challenging time, especially when you have been studying without family support. However, there are many services and organisations that can support you once you have left university.

Our moving on guide is designed to help you find the right service for a particular issue, as you leave university and make the transition to independent living.

Care leavers

The Government website has information on the support that local councils must provide to those leaving foster or local authority care up to the age of 25.

The Sheffield Leaving Care Service supports people up to the age of 25, their guide provides information on what you can expect from Sheffield City Council to support you towards independence. Other local councils will provide similar information and support.

Become is a charity supporting young care leavers. They provide a friendly space to meet other care-experienced young people and can help answer your questions and concerns about your rights as a care-experienced young person.

Estranged students

The EaCES Handbook is a platform by and for students who are estranged, as well as care-experienced and refugee students. They provide advice, information, and peer-support.


Sheffield Carers Centre is a charity affiliated to the national Carers Trust. They offer a range of services to help carers focus on their own health and wellbeing. They can also connect carers to others in a similar situation and offer support to help with the challenges of caring.

Moving on guides

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