Somewhere to pray

Contact the Multi-faith chaplaincy

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Somewhere to pray

The Chaplaincy offers several spaces to pray, as well as regular organised events for different faiths and beliefs. The Multifaith Centre on level 2 of the Owen Building has a quiet space designated for prayer and meditation, Muslim prayer rooms, and multi-purpose meeting space. Please note that occasionally chaplaincy activities are cancelled outside of term time.

Christian prayer 

Sheffield Universities Roman Catholic Chaplaincy

The Roman Catholic Chaplaincy covers both universities in the city. For details of Masses and other activities go to Sheffield Universities Catholic Chaplaincy or contact Fr Lee Marshall (Catholic Chaplain).

Local churches

There are a number of churches close to the University that are open for daily worship. Contact for further details.

A group of 6 Christian students taking part in group prayer in the multifaith chaplaincy

Muslim prayer

There are male and female prayer rooms in the Multifaith Centre, Level 2 Owen and in Adsetts library at City Campus. At Collegiate Campus there are male and female prayer rooms on Level 1 Oaklands and in the Robert Winston Building, F600 and F615. 

Friday prayer takes place in The Stage room on the second floor of the Student Union HUBS building at 1 pm. 

A group of 9 staff and students taking part in Muslim prayer in the multifaith chaplaincy

Quiet space for prayer and reflection

There is space to pray, reflect and meditate for people of different religions or of no religion. At City Campus there is the Quiet Room in the Multifaith Centre as well as the Head Post Office on floor 1 (room 16.1.15). At Collegiate Campus ‘The Retreat’ is in on Level 2 of the Oaklands Building.

chairs and plant

Local places of worship

The chaplaincy at Sheffield Hallam University works closely with the University of Sheffield chaplaincy to ensure that you have up-to-date information on the places of worship across the city.

Other useful sites

Please note that the inclusion of any group or association within these listings does not represent an endorsement of its views or practices by the Universities.

Contact the Multi-faith chaplaincy

Get in touch with us if you have a question or want to find out about upcoming events

Contact us