Muslim Directory

Muslim Directory


Places of worship

Madina Masjid Sheffield
24 Wolseley Rd, Lowfield, Sheffield S8 0ZU

Sheffield Grand Mosque
Grimesthorpe Rd, Sheffield S4 8DE

Muslim Welfare House
10-12 Severn Rd, Broomhall, Sheffield S10 2SU

Wybourn Islamic Centre
139 Maltravers Rd, Sheffield S2 5AD

Masjid al-Huda 
Hanover St, Highfield, Sheffield S3 7WT

On campus prayer spaces

Male and female prayer rooms in
Owen Building, Level 2, Multifaith Chaplaincy 

Collegiate Campus, Level 1 Oaklands and Robert Winston Building F600 and F615. 


Societies and Communities

Islamic Society – Sheffield Hallam University
Instagram- sheffhallamisoc

Islamic Circle Society – University of Sheffield

Ahlulbayt Society - University of Sheffield
Instagram: absocsheffield

Food and drink

There are lots of halal restaurants and shops in Sheffield, particularly in the London road area. 

Top 10 Halal restaurants in Sheffield

Ozmen international market