Assignment Guidance

Assignment Guidance

The University supports fair assessment outcomes through a comprehensive package of support for students. This has been developed alongside our approach to teaching and learning.

Blackboard Module Sites

At Sheffield Hallam University, every taught module has a Blackboard module site for providing core information to students though many will link to additional learning resources and activities outside of Blackboard. Your Blackboard module sites will include the following assessment information:

  • Assessment criteria and arrangements for coursework submission.
  • Provisional marks and feedback when they are released.
  • Formal submission points for the electronic submission of coursework.

If these are not available, contact your Module Leader for this information.

Pass criteria for a module

The minimum criteria to pass a module which uses percentage grading only are that you:

  • achieve an overall module mark of 40% (50% for level 7 modules) or above;
  • achieve the specified pass mark in all of the module assessment tasks where this is a requirement.

The minimum criteria to pass a module which uses pass / fail grades only or a combination of percentage grading and pass / fail grades are that you:

  • achieve an overall pass grade;
  • achieve other pass criteria as defined in the module information.

There could be Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body requirements which mean that a different pass criteria is stipulated for some modules. This will be made clear to you in module information. For more details on percentages, grades and subsequent awards, please refer to the Standard Assessment Regulations.

For re-assessment, visit the Marks and Feedback section.


The standard referencing style at Sheffield Hallam University is APA 7th.

Some courses require alternative referencing styles for professional practice compliance. Check with your tutors to see what referencing style you are expected to use.

Referencing is an essential part of academic writing. If you are to avoid plagiarism you must acknowledge the work of other people when you refer to them in your work. This means properly referencing your sources and citing them in the text. Visit University Rules & Regulations > student conduct for more details. 

Referencing Guidance

When you undertake an assignment you will be drawing constantly upon information you have read in books, journal articles and other sources. You are required to acknowledge these sources through referencing. Accurate referencing is very important because:

  • it demonstrates that you have researched or read around the subject which you are writing about
  • it provides evidence for your arguments
  • it allows any reader of your work to find the original sources you used
  • it shows that you are not passing off someone else's research as your own thoughts

You should reference whenever you use someone else's work in your own work; not only when you quote but also when you paraphrase or summarise someone's ideas.

Referencing Resources

There are lots of resources to help you learn how to reference using APA 7, including apps and online tools which make putting together a reference list quick and easier. Visit:

Referencing software can help you keep an accurate record of the resources you have used and can automatically create correctly formatted citations and bibliographies to insert into your work. Try the online tool RefWorks or follow our Lib Guides > Referencing > Tools guidance to help select the online tool or app that works for you. Different referencing tools and apps that use APA can sometimes produce slightly different references. To ensure consistency in your referencing, it is recommended that you use only one referencing tool / app rather than a mix of different ones.

Always check and correct your references before submitting your work and make sure you're aware of the University's Rules and Regulations webpage > student conduct guidance.