It is important that all students are aware of what constitutes academic misconduct, appreciate its importance and are able to avoid unintentional academic misconduct.
Poor academic practice
Poor academic practice – is a kind of academic misconduct. It is where you break the rules slightly, but without meaning to. Usually this means that you need to seek academic support.
Plagiarism – is using the ideas or work of another person (including experts and fellow or former students) and submitting them as though they are your own original work without proper referencing.
Self-plagiarism – is the submission of work that is the same as, or broadly similar to, assessments you have submitted previously for academic credit, without proper acknowledgment and the prior consent of the module leader for subsequent assessments.
Collusion – is the unauthorised collaboration between two or more students in the preparation and production of an assessment, which is then submitted by each of them as their own individual work.
Cheating – unfair behaviour relating to an examination where you have breached a condition of conduct. See the Examination Conduct Policy for information about exams.
Contract cheating
Contract cheating – this may take the form of buying or commissioning (including seeking to commission) either a whole assessment or part of it, for example, from internet sites, essay 'banks' or 'mills'. It may also take the form of a student who sells or offers to sell their own assessed work to other students. It includes attempting to pass off work created by artificial intelligence as your own.
Trading material or writing for others
It is misconduct to sell, trade of create work for another student to submit under their own name. This includes exchanging work with current students at this University, supplying your work to an agency, file-sharing service, or essay mill; promoting the services of an essay supply service to students for commission.
Fabrication of falsification of data
Fabrication of falsification of data – submitting work containing data measured in the field, in the laboratory or other setting, any part of which is untrue, made up, falsified or fabricated in any way.
Breaches of confidentiality and/or unethical practice
Breaches of confidentiality and/or unethical practice – failure to follow confidentiality, anonymity or research ethics protocols.
Dishonest or unfair practice
Dishonest or unfair practice – the use of any form of dishonest academic practice not specifically categorised above.