

Students and staff can access the University WiFi by connecting to the following networks with your University username and password:

  • Personal device - If you can see both SHU-USSL and SHU-USS, please use SHU-USS.
  • Personal device - If you can only see SHU-USSL, please use this network.
  • Staff SHU managed machines - SHU-TSS is only for staff.
  • Visitors to SHU from other institutions - eduroam 

There may be certain areas of the University where SHU-USSL will give you better performance than SHU-USS.

When connected to WiFi, the software available to you will be dictated by the installations on your device.

For students on personal devices, we make a wide range of software available for you to install for free: https://students.shu.ac.uk/shuspacecontent/it/free-discounted-software

Please select one of the following options for details of how to connect:

Android (PDF, 158KB)

Chromebook (PDF, 345KB)

iPhone / iPad / iPod (PDF, 363.5KB)

Mac (PDF, 223.4KB)

Windows 7 (PDF, 181.3KB)

Windows 8 (PDF, 134KB)

Windows 10/11 (PDF, 138.3KB)

Eduroam (PDF, 137.2KB)

Troubleshooting Connection Issues

If you are unable to connect after using the instructions, please try the following actions to resolve this issue:

  • Check that the log in credentials you have entered are correct
  • Try forgetting the network and re adding
  • Check that your device is configured correctly using the online guides (see links above)
  • Restart your mobile device.
  • Please try accessing the Wi-Fi at several different locations on campus. There are several reasons Wi-Fi might not work on your device, changing location can sometimes give you the access you require.

If none of the above steps help resolve this issue, please email or call IT Help with the following information:

  • Your device make, model and operating system (including version).
  • The time and location you tried to access the Wi-Fi.
  • If you have previously been able to access the Wi-Fi using this device, please include details of when you were last able to connect.
  • The MAC address. This can be found in your device settings and will either be called 'Wi-Fi Address' or 'Wi-Fi MAC address'.

Please note, we will endeavour to resolve your Wi-Fi issue with the above information but in some locations this will not be possible


Staff can request a login code for the SHU_GUEST network for up to 5 days access for University Guests. Requests can be made https://itservicedesk.shu.ac.uk

Due to the wide range of mobile devices and operating systems in use it is not feasible for SHU to provide detailed instructions for all. 

This guide (PDF, 240.9KB) covers the broadest section of users.



Visitors to SHU can self register to use Wifi Guest. https://www.skywifi.cloud/

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