User agreement
This User Agreement ("Agreement") governs your use of the generative AI services ("Services") offered by Sheffield Hallam University and/or Galvia. By using the Services, you agree to these terms.
AI Limitations
You understand that AI-generated text may have errors, biases, or be misleading. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy and appropriateness of all output.
No Guarantees
The Services are offered "as-is". Sheffield Hallam University and/or Galvia does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, or suitability of any generated output.
Your Responsibility
You alone are responsible for how you use the generated output. You must ensure your use complies with all laws and ethical standards. Sheffield Hallam University and/or Galvia is not liable for any damages related to your use of the Services.
Information You Supply
You understand that queries submitted should not contain any personal information about you or any other data subject.