Research and Innovation Office (RIO) overview

Research and Innovation Office (RIO) overview

Research at Sheffield Hallam is characterised by a focus on its impact – addressing the cultural, economic and social challenges facing society today. We achieve this by applying and translating our research at local, national and international levels.

In our many and various research institutes and centres we promote cross-disciplinary research. For example, we bring the physical and life sciences together, with material scientists working with artists, designers, clinicians and healthcare professionals and industrial and other external partners to generate new and innovative solutions to fundamental and difficult problems.

Through our portfolio of national, European and international research projects, we work in partnership with academic research institutes, industry, SMEs, public, voluntary and community sectors and end-users to achieve economic and social transformation.
Sheffield Hallam emphasises both fundamental and applied research. The University has 16 research centres and institutes, many of national and international renown, featuring key research platforms such as materials science, art and design, sports science and engineering, biomedicine, and economic and social research.

The Research and Innovation Office is a central service of around 30 staff that provides specialist support to colleagues across the University who are involved in research and innovation projects. The RIO offers expert help in:

  • applications for research grants and contracts, preparation for the REF, contributions to and coordination of research policy, research data and intelligence
  • knowledge exchange services, including promotion of the University's business services, collaborative funding development, and the commercialisation of intellectual property and related opportunities
  • corporate specialist services, including commercial contracts, funding and management support for key corporate projects, management and monitoring of HEIF, and regional development
  • providing oversight of doctoral provision including promoting the University’s doctoral offer, support for the development of excellent researchers and facilitating a vibrant doctoral research community

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