Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment overview

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  4. Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment overview

Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment overview

The Directorate of Corporate Affairs handles Communications and Stakeholder Relations, Marketing, Admissions and UK Recruitment. They also work with the International Development team.

The team is responsible for managing and elevating the profile of the University in the UK and around the world.

Our team helps recruit students, which makes up about 80% of the University’s yearly income. We represent the University in the media, schools and colleges, online, and through ads, events, and publications.

Our team has many professionals, such as designers, administrators, PR experts, events managers, schools recruitment officers, fundraisers, data analysts, marketers and communicators.

Communications and Development is responsible for a number of key areas in relation to the University’s external engagement with stakeholders. This includes devising and directing the University's communications to the press and media as well as internally to our staff and students; support for public affairs and social media activities; maintaining a productive and meaningful relationship with over 215,000 alumni and developing philanthropic fundraising to support the strategic ambitions of Sheffield Hallam. Our external communications and relationship building with key stakeholders, including honorary doctorates, are essential to developing and sustaining our strong and wide reaching profile in a highly competitive environment. Internally, the team ensures that priorities for action and a clear sense of direction are communicated to our staff and stakeholders.

The Department of Marketing works with colleagues across the University providing market analysis, design services and marketing activity to raise the profile of the University, its colleges and services. Their work is essential in the recruitment of students to the University and includes the management of the website as well as major campaigns, projects and publications.

Admissions and UK Recruitment includes both the Admissions Office and the Student Recruitment team. Receiving over 60,000 applications each year, the Admissions Office is the first point of contact many people have with the University. The Student Recruitment team work in schools and colleges, manage the University's many recruitment events and are responsible for our outreach activities to people with no previous experience of a university education all with the aim of encouraging a wide range of people to come and study at Sheffield Hallam.

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