Governance, compliance and risk management overview

  1. Jobs
  2. What we do at Sheffield Hallam
  3. Our professional and business support roles
  4. Governance, compliance and risk management overview

Governance, compliance and risk management overview

The Secretary and Registrar's Directorate is made up of four individual services

  • Governance and Planning
  • Health and Safety
  • Business Improvement
  • Registry

They provide related services to colleges, directorates, Executives, and the Board of Governors.

Governance and Planning

Governance and Planning Services support the University's corporate governance, strategic and business planning, decision making and external reporting, accountability and compliance. The service has two main parts.

Strategic Planning and Intelligence (SPI)

SPI supports the development of the University's strategy and its implementation by offering advice and support to all areas of the University throughout the business planning process. We analyse information and provide supporting reports to University senior managers for example policy briefs, student recruitment targets, National Student Survey and analyses of the University's performance against our own objectives and in league tables.

SPI also co-ordinates reports for funding organisations like HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) and NCTL (The National College for Teaching and Leadership). We also co-ordinate statutory planning returns such as the Higher Education Students Early Statistics Survey (HESES)

University Secretariat

The University Secretariat is responsible for supporting the main decision-making bodies of the University and for providing information, advice and direction on corporate governance, assurance, equality and diversity, and legal and regulatory issues.

Health and Safety

This service provides a comprehensive range of professional support in areas of health and safety risk assessment and control. Staff from the service are involved in

  • giving advice, guidance and information on all health and safety matters
  • health and safety policy development and implementation
  • advising on risk assessment and safe systems of working
  • fire prevention and emergency response
  • the control of hazardous substances, protocols around controlled chemicals and standards for radiological protection
  • Training, educating and raising awareness
  • auditing, performance reporting and accident/incident investigation.

Working with local staff in colleges and directorates who have responsibility for health, safety and welfare, the service plays a critical role in ensuring compliance and good practice, making sure the health and safety of staff and students isn't put at risk. This includes training, advising and supporting display screen equipment (DSE) assessors, first aiders and fire marshals.

The service has particularly close links with both the Facilities and Human Resources directorates who are responsible for estates and occupational health respectively.


Registry Services is responsible for student information and administration across the University and for regulations, processes and services covering assessment and examinations, awards and graduation and student disputes.

Find out more about the work of Registry Services.

Business Improvement

Business Improvement Services coordinates, manages and assures the delivery of change programmes associated with the University strategy. Staff belong to three professional disciplines; programme and project management; programme office; and business analysis.

Find out more about the work of Business Improvement Services

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