College business support overview

College business support overview

Each of the University's three colleges employs a team of technical and professional services staff. The size, shape and structure of these teams vary according to the business of the college, although their function remains the same: to support academics and students with their teaching and research activities.

Working closely with a range of University directorates, these teams support the College Pro-Vice Chancellor and other senior academic colleagues with planning and development of courses and the effective management of college resources.

All three colleges have a core of staff within a Business Support Team. Activities that are routinely undertaken by Business Support, or associated teams, include

  • portfolio and partnerships development and review
  • contracts and commissioning
  • management information and planning for specialist subject areas
  • research administration
  • support for people related processes (recruitment, induction, appraisal, training and development, work planning)
  • internal communications
  • secretarial support
  • risk management

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