Our student and academic support roles

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  2. What we do at Sheffield Hallam
  3. Our student and academic support roles

Our student and academic support roles

Our student and academic support teams work in the three colleges and the central departments. They help with learning, teaching, and research.

Our distinctive quality is that we motivate and enable students from a wide variety of backgrounds to achieve academically, to grow in confidence and realise their potential. We aim to

  • raise the aspirations and awareness of students to enter and return to higher education
  • expand students' horizons during their time with us
  • support their continuing developments as graduates in their chosen careers

The range of support available to students during their time at Sheffield Hallam is vast, covering everything from help enrolling at the University to careers advice and their general health and wellbeing.

We also support the delivery of academic courses through course and exam administration or technical support online, over the phone or in our laboratories and learning centres.

Research is another core function at Sheffield Hallam. Support staff in these areas assist with writing and administering funding and research bids, offer advice and guidance to academic staff and play a key role in winning new business for the University and managing relationships with partners and funders.

College Student Services (Professional Services)

Each of the University's three colleges employs a team of technical and professional services staff. The size, shape and structure of these teams vary according to the business of the college, although their function remains the same: to support academics and students with their teaching and research activities.

College Student Services teams work alongside academic colleagues to support the development and delivery of academic courses and to enhance the student experience.

The teams' work includes

  • providing helpdesk services directly to students
  • helping to manage assessments and student progression
  • sourcing placements and supporting students on their work placements
  • offering pastoral advice and guidance to students
  • referring students to wider University services where appropriate

Student Services also works closely with other University directorates to ensure a positive staff and student experience.

Find out about College Business Support 

Find out about College Technical Services 

University Technical Services

The University employs a team of highly-skilled technical and services staff. This group delivers a diverse range of support activities to teaching, research and commercial activity, across the entire organisation. The primary purpose is to provide the highest-quality support to academics and students across these areas resulting in an enhanced student experience.

The range of specialist spaces these teams operate in include; large laboratories, workshops, kitchens, simulated clinical environments and art and design studios, amongst others.

The Technical Services team also provides specialist advice and support across a range of related areas including; health and safety, accommodation and timetabling of specialist spaces, planning and the specification and procurement of equipment and instrumentation.

Technician Commitment

The Technician Commitment is a university and research institution initiative, led by a steering group of sector bodies, with support from the Science Council and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Technicians Make It Happen campaign.

The Commitment aims to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians working in higher education and research, across all disciplines. Universities and research institutes are invited to become signatories of the Technician Commitment and pledge action against the key challenges affecting their technical staff.

Learning and Information Services (LIS)

LIS runs the two libraries at both campuses. These buildings have been part of a multi-million pound refurbishment project over the last few years and the teams there provide extensive services and resources to support the learning needs, scholarly activity and research of students and staff.

Our work is split into four teams

Academic Services work with colleges to develop information services and skills for students and staff
Advisory Services offer face to face and virtual support to students and staff undertaking learning and research
Information Resources provide access to the latest print and electronic resources
Learning Centre Operations, Management and Development provide a well-designed, effective learning environment where our students feel safe and supported

Quality Enhancement and Student Success

Quality Enhancement and Student Success (QESS) is an area that brings together student services, academic quality and educational development activities. The portfolio is central to delivery of, and support for, a quality student experience and has a range of responsibilities managed in two areas – Quality Enhancement and Student Services.

The work of Quality Enhancement

  • plays a central role in contributing to outstanding teaching and student support
  • assures and enhances the quality of the student learning experience
  • promotes student success through the provision of high-quality professional services for staff and students
  • makes major contributions to the University's strategy
  • provides support for and leadership of strategic initiatives

The range of support available to students during their time at Sheffield Hallam is vast, covering everything from help enrolling to careers advice and their general health and wellbeing.

In support of this, we are organised around the following services each with their own areas of responsibility.

The Student Engagement and Experience team's work focuses on understanding the students' experience, the student voice, education development and supporting curriculum design. The team works closely with staff across the institution to develop teaching practices and facilitate better learner engagement and success.

Working with leaders from across the University who are responsible for teaching and learning, academics and learning support staff, the Innovation and Professional Development team leads on developments that result in high quality teaching through curriculum innovation and the professional development and recognition of academic staff.

The Technology Enhanced Learning team leads on the strategic direction and development of technology as a means of improving learning, teaching and assessment at the University. They work closely with IS&T and college e-learning teams to promote, support and improve the tools available to accomplish this. They also provide guidance on teaching approaches for academic staff via staff development opportunities, curriculum design guidance and other learning resources.

The main role of Academic Quality and Standards (AQS) is to ensure that quality and standards are set, maintained and regularly reviewed as part of the design and delivery of all courses. AQS develops and supports policies and associated processes that set out the University's expectations for the quality and standards of its provision, known collectively as the Academic Quality Framework.

Student Services

Student Services provide responsive and personalised services which are inclusive and accessible to all students. The services aim to enable students to realise their academic potential and career aspirations.

Our specialist services for students include

We also offer some services to staff as well as advice, guidance and training on our full range of services.

Venture Matrix

This award-winning scheme is a great way for students to develop their employability and enterprise skills as part of their degree. We work with external organisations to

tackle real-life challenges and get work experience in a safe and secure environment
support enterprise activities in schools and colleges
Organisations benefit from accessing our students' specialist skills, knowledge and insight.

Find out more about the Venture Matrix.

Registry Services

Registry Services sits in the Secretary and Registrar's Directorate, providing corporate services for the University's academic administration.

Registry Services has an overarching aim to improve the student and staff experience by providing efficient and effective activities that support students during their time here - what we call the 'student lifecycle'. We do this by working collaboratively with the colleges and other key partners to sustain the academic business of the University.

Registry Services has three main areas

Assessment, Awards and Regulations develops, implements and reviews the administrative policy and practice that underpins assessment, examinations, awards and conferment, and ensures that regulation is not separate from the operation of student business processes.

Student Systems and Records plays a central role in the delivery of accurate and timely information to the University's statutory returns and ensures the quality and integrity of curriculum and student records.

Student Administration provides administration throughout the student lifecycle, and is responsible for implementing consistent practice across all 3 colleges.

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