College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences overview

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  2. What we do at Sheffield Hallam
  3. Our academic roles
  4. College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences overview

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences overview

The College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences is one of the largest education providers in the UK for radiotherapy, nursing, physiotherapy and sport. It focuses on health and wellbeing for people and organisations and consists of five research centres:

And five academic departments:

Our Academy of Sport and Physical Activity houses all of the college's sport related teaching and research.

As one of the larger colleges here at Sheffield Hallam, we have more than 8,800 students, supported by 560 academic, research and professional service staff.

Much of our strength is in our size, giving us access to a wide range of knowledge and inter-professional expertise that is at the heart of our teaching, consultancy and research.

The majority of our academic staff join us following careers in practice and industry, bringing with them a wide range of skills and knowledge. Many continue their work as clinically-active practitioners allowing us to remain at the cutting edge of current practice and innovation. We also boast many tutors who are research active, all of which ensures we can connect academic, practical and research experience across the curriculum.

We are leaders in the use of state-of-the-art technology and equipment to support our teaching. For example, our students use augmented reality - computerised applications that simulate real-life medical scenarios - to train them in how to interact with patients in different situations and during medical procedures.

We pride ourselves on developing our students' employability skills, providing a large number of unique opportunities to learners and staff alike. All our health and social care courses include time spent on placement, with similar opportunities offered in bioscience and sport. Our partnerships with the organising committees of the Beijing, London and Sochi Olympic Games, for example, allowed us to secure a large number of once-in-a-lifetime volunteering opportunities for our students.

We ensure our teaching and research stays relevant and up to date by involving industry partners and health care users in shaping what we do. This provides a valuable opportunity for experts to tell us what they want from a graduate, improving our understanding of the needs of real employers, patients and customers in whichever profession our students choose.

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