What we do at Sheffield Hallam

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  2. What we do at Sheffield Hallam

What we do at Sheffield Hallam

A diverse organisation

Sheffield Hallam Staff

As a university, education and research are the main reasons we're here. But as well as teaching and research staff, it takes a diverse range of people and teams to help the University operate effectively.

Many roles involve providing services and facilities to students to help them get the best out of their studies and their time at Sheffield Hallam. This includes staff working in our student administration services, libraries, IT, career support, student advice, timetabling, exam support, campus cafes and security, to name a few.

Research is another major aspect of what we do. We employ a thriving community of researchers working on a local, national and international scale. And our research support staff carry out a range of activities – from research administration to coordinating funding bids.

But there's much more to university life – and we're committed to making sure our students and staff get the best possible all round experience during their time here. From catering and cleaning to sport and childcare services – it takes a wide range of skills and types of experience to provide such a wide range of high-quality services.

Explore these pages and find out more about what we look for and how your skills can complement what we do.

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