Sheffield Hallam is a Stonewall Diversity Champion

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  3. A Stonewall Diversity Champion

Sheffield Hallam is a Stonewall Diversity Champion

We are one of only six universities to achieve 10 out of 10 in Stonewall's Gay by Degree Guide 2015, which rates gay-friendly universities in the UK.

We are proud members of the Stonewall Diversity Champions programme, reinforcing:

  • our commitment to improving the workplace culture for lesbian, gay and bisexual employees
  • our recognition that people perform better when they can be themselves

Stonewall recognises Sheffield Hallam as a forward thinking 21st century employer which aims to recruit, recognise and support the very best people regardless of their sexual orientation.

Find out more about how we support our Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans (LGBT) staff. 

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