Diversity in our workforce

  1. Jobs
  2. Our people
  3. Diversity in our workforce

Diversity in our workforce

Equality and diversity are essential to our academic and business strengths. We believe that excellence comes through recognising the value of each individual.

We aim to maintain a diverse workforce who work together to create an environment where difference is valued and where individuals feel like their talents are being fully utilised and derive the maximum benefit and enjoyment from their involvement in the University's community.

We aim to create a welcoming working environment in which

  • people can achieve their potential and perform well
  • there is no bullying, harassment or discrimination
  • there is equality of opportunity
  • all decisions are based on merit

We will do this by:

  • providing support, information, training and guidance for all staff
  • taking appropriate actions to redress any gender, racial or other imbalances in the workforce
  • dealing with issues of harassment and bullying promptly
  • developing effective processes for monitoring and reviewing equality data
  • ensuring that all staff are aware of their responsibilities and that they take action to challenge inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour.

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