Supporting Ukraine

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Supporting Ukraine

The Helena Kennedy Centre response to Russian invasion of Ukraine and information on how we can support Ukraine and displaced Ukrainians

Ukrainian flag

The Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice Statement on Ukraine

The faculty and staff of the Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice (HKC) at Sheffield Hallam University strongly condemn the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine by President Vladimir Putin in direct contravention of international law.

International Law prohibits states from the use of threat force against another state. This is to ensure the territorial integrity and political independence of the state are not violated. All instances of the use of force by one state against the other, regardless of gravity or aims, constitute a violation. This protective principle is inviolable and one of the most fundamental norms of international law. There are only two main exceptions to this principle- the state is acting in self-defence or acting pursuant to a United Nations Security Council resolution. Neither of these two actions is applicable to Russia's actions against Ukraine.

Baroness Helena Kennedy QC response to the HKC Statement

The invasion of the sovereign state of Ukraine by Russia is a serious breach of international law and must be condemned. Human rights atrocities inevitably follow unlawful war. I am proud that the Centre has acted with speed to denounce this contempt for the rule of law and its offer of legal support to those Ukrainian refugees who are trying to secure a safe haven here in Britain and throughout Europe.

Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) Statement on the Russian Aggression Against Ukraine (PDF, 143.7KB)

Cycle to Ukraine for DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Between Monday 14th and Thursday 17th of March, students and staff from Sheffield Hallam University cycled a 1,070-mile distance between South Yorkshire and the Ukrainian border. The team has raised almost £12,000 for the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Appeal.

How can I help? 

  • Donate money to one of the following organisations:

UNOCHA The Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund


Ukrainian Red Cross

British Red Cross – Ukraine Crisis Appeal

Salam Lab – supporting displaced Ukrainians in Poland

Polish Humanitarian Action

Children on the Edge - supporting displaced Ukrainians in Moldova and Romania

  • Join your local protest
  • Raise awareness by sharing verified and confirmed information

How can I help my Ukrainian and Russian friends and family members?

If any of your friends or family members are affected by war in Ukraine, get in touch with our Refugee Rights Hub for more information.

You can also follow the links below to find more information:

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