Creating Stable Futures: Outcomes for Children affected by Trafficking 

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Creating Stable Futures: Outcomes for Children affected by Trafficking 

This twelve month study sought to identify ways that the current support system could be improved to ensure better outcomes for young people who have experienced human trafficking and/or exploitation 

Children holding hands and standing on a field

Outcomes for Children affected by Trafficking

This 12-month study sought to identify ways that the current support system could be improved to ensure better outcomes for young people who have experienced human trafficking, modern slavery and/or exploitation. It was conducted by the Helena Kennedy Centre at Sheffield Hallam University, the Institute of Applied Social Research at the University of Bedfordshire (UoB) and Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK).

The final report detailing the findings of the research and a tailored framework, anchored in the words of young people, in the form of a Positive Outcomes Framework are now available below

Key outputs from the research:

Creating Stable Futures Report Cover


The overarching aim of this study was to understand what positive outcomes might look like from the perspective of young people subjected to human trafficking, modern slavery and/or exploitation, and what pathways towards these positive outcomes might look like in practice. This was conducted through an international scoping review, a global call for practice and participatory workshops with young people.

Additional outputs from the research:

Additional Information:

Funding partners

Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre

Modern Slavery Policy and Evidence Centre

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Arts and Humanities Research Council

Arts and Humanities Research Council

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Research team

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Professor Patricia Hynes

Professor of Social Justice, Helena Kennedy Centre

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Dr Helen Connolly

Senior Lecturer, University of Bedfordshire

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Patricia Durr


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Laura Duran

Senior Policy and Research Officer, ECPAT UK

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Elias Matar

Youth Programme Manager, ECPAT UK