Women, Climate and Insecurity Conference

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28 April 2022 - 29 April 2022

Women, Climate and Insecurity Conference

Virtual via Zoom

As the United Nations Environment Programme marks its 50th anniversary, we invite you to the Women, Climate, Insecurity Conference. Together with social scientists, scholars, legal experts, and activists we will discuss the climate crisis and the injustices, disparities, insecurity, and militarized responses crisis often incurs. The conference aims to create an international dialogue between activists and academics from diverse disciplines about how to create a more liveable and just future.

Confirmed keynote speakers

  • Baroness Helena Kennedy QC
  • Lorena Aguilar, FLASCO (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Costa Rica)
  • Vidhya Das, Agragamee

Conference Program

Find out more about the Women, Climate and Insecurity Conference Program. (PDF, 2.3MB)

Workshop: Landscapes of Injustice

You are invited to the Landscapes of Injustice Workshop, a co-event with the Women, Climate and Insecurity Conference. The two-part workshop aims to help participants – academics, community activists, artists, policy makers, and members of community based organisations, the private sector, and international organizations – develop a critical methodology that combines critical zone theory and ecofeminism to address their own areas of work. Through shared readings, discussion of key concepts, and short presentations, participants will have the opportunity to work internationally across disciplines as well as to advance their individual research projects. 


Participants are invited to develop their own mini-case studies. The case studies shared by participants will be curated on an online platform with open access.


Whether your work focuses on a particular neighbourhood, region, watershed, prison camp, etc., or are more broadly interested in new theoretical approaches to place, gender, environment, and violence, we hope you will join us.

Workshop leaders:

Dr. Nikiwe Solomon and Dr. Kefiloe Sello, Environmental Humanities South, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Find out more and register via Eventbrite.


Women, Climate, Insecurity is co-hosted by Environmental Humanities South at the University of Cape Town, South Africa; the Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice at Sheffield Hallam University, England; and the Human Rights Institute at Binghamton University, USA and Kaschak Institute for Social Justice for Women and Girls at Binghamton University, USA.

Remember to register via Eventbrite for the Women, Climate and Insecurity Conference.

Co-hosted by

HRI HKC women and international justice logo

HRI & HKC -  Women & International Justice

Binghamton University, USA & Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Environmental Humanities South
Environmental Humanities South

University of Cape Town, South Africa

Human Rights Institute Binhampton University logo
Human Rights Institute

Binghamton University, USA

Kaschak Institute logo
Human Rights Institute and Kaschak Institute for Social Justice for Women and Girls

Binghamton University, USA

Helena Kennedy Centre logo
Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice

Sheffield Hallam University, England

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Contact the Helena Kennedy Centre to discuss facilities, partnerships, doctoral research and more

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