Helena Kennedy Centre

Sue Bulley

 Sue Bulley

It is with profound sadness that I must announce the passing of my dear friend and colleague Sue Bulley. Sue was one of the most dedicated people I have ever had the pleasure of working with. With a deep compassionate intellect, she was always generous with her time and ready to mentor and develop others. She loved her job and her family. At work she was a dedicated professional and at home a loving mum and partner. We worked together for 13.5 years and with the help of our colleagues turned a local university department into a local, national and global centre of expertise in Law and Justice. I will never forget her and will always be in her debt for her friendship, wise counsel and her humanity.

May she rest in peace.

Professor Sital S. Dhillon OBE
Director Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice
Sheffield Hallam University

Please follow the link to access the online Book of Condolences. 



Helena Kennedy Centre

The Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice is a leading centre for social justice and human rights. It provides a vibrant environment at the cutting edge of legal and criminal justice practice which prepares students for excellence in their chosen professional career.

The centre is home to a range of social justice and human rights activities that include:

  • research and scholarship work
  • global engagement
  • impact on policy
  • professional training and advocacy

Its central values are those of widening access to justice and education, the promotion of human rights, ethics in legal practice, equality and a respect for human dignity in overcoming social injustice.

The law is the bedrock of a nation; it tells us who we are, what we value, who has power and who hasn't. Helena Kennedy QC

The Helena Kennedy Centre's scope of expertise covers:

  • human rights
  • criminology
  • law
  • policing
  • probation

The centre works on the high profile projects in a variety of human rights and social justice areas. Research and projects concern Modern Day Slavery, gender-based violence, hate crime and many more.

Solar panels


"Over-Exposed" creates a new model of assessment for the solar industry and its supply chains to identify exposure to state-imposed forced labour in the Uyghur Region as supply chains become increasingly opaque

Featured projects

A woman standing at the window with a cup in her hand

Migrant Stories of Italy

Watch the documentaries made during the visit of students and staff from Media Arts & Communication an the Helena Kennedy Centre together with Mama Africa in Bari

Blurred photograph of two men sitting on chairs

Leverhulme Trust Award to research Comparative Penal Supervision

This three-year project seeks  to explore and generate knowledge about the experience of penal supervision across England, North Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Severyna Magill on BBC

India video outrage

Severyna Magill, Senior Lecturer in Law and Human Rights and Course Leader for the MA/LLM Applied Human Rights, spoke to The Context, BBC News, about a viral video circulating in India depicting horrific sexual violence against women occurring in Manipur and what can be done in response


A child hiding face with hands

'Every moment you were terrified': Life as a victim of child trafficking 

Professor Patricia Hynes spoke to Metro about trafficking of young asylum seekers in the UK

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Pamela Anderson's Netflix Documentary

Netflix's Pamela, A Love Story overturns stereotypes about victims of intimate partner abuse

Sarah Tatton writes for The Conversation on Pamela Anderson's Netflix Documentary 

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Employees work on the production line

Forced Uyghur labour probably helped build your car

Foreign Policy looks in depth at the policy implications of the Helena Kennedy Centre and NomoGaia report on car parts.

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Part of the Social and Economic Research Institute

Leading pioneering research in the fields of law, economics, education and more

Social and Economic Research Institute