Handbooks and Course Overviews

Handbooks and Course Overviews

BSc (Hons) & MSc Occupational Therapy Practice Based Learning Handbook

Support Information for Working Remotely on Practice Based Learning Placement

Link to support for Occupational Therapy students and practice educators supervising and assessing students who are working remotely on practice based learning tasks. [link to external website]

Degree Apprenticeship BSc Occupational Therapy Course Overview

  • Degree Apprenticeship Occupational Therapy - this document provides a summary of the Degree Apprenticeship Occupational Therapy course and its placement requirements, with links to related information.  It is relevant for students enrolled on all Degree Apprenticeship Occupational Therapy programmes offered by the university, including Derbyshire, North-West Region and Sheffield based students.
  • DA Apprenticeship Introduction to Placements (PDF, 913.4KB) - this document is a guide to placements for DA students only.

NHS England - Guide to Practice-Based Learning (PBL) for Neurodivergent Students

Integrated Care: Integrated Learning

Collaborative Learning and Working in Practice - guidance for students

Learning at Sheffield Hallam University engages you with the world beyond university.
Learning is intellectually stretching, and you are given opportunities to apply research-based knowledge positively to affect issues relevant to service users, health and social care professionals and future employers.
Key to this is working and learning alongside and from other professions and groups. In doing so, you develop your expertise, become more innovative, collaborate, and develop your entrepreneurial capabilities and go beyond the boundaries of your discipline.
The Collaborative Learning Framework has been designed to help you think about your professional development in relation to your collaborative skills. The Framework can be used to plot your development in conjunction with other aspects of your course and is a great tool to help you meet your career goals. We encourage you to use this Framework, alongside your placement assessment documentation, to evidence your wider personal and professional development.

Supporting Collaborative Learning and Working in Practice - guidance for Practice Based Learning placement providers

These posters and screencasts provide an overview of what our students are learning and experiencing in each year of their Health & Social Care programme. We are making very clear links within the interprofessional modules to the practice placements. We hope this information will help guide you to support varied opportunities in order to consolidate students' learning whilst they are with you on their practice placements.