Quality Assurance (Education Audits and Evaluations)

Quality Assurance (Education Audits and Evaluations)

Sheffield Hallam University is required to adhere to professional standards and guidelines published by professional and statutory regulatory bodies (PSRB), including

In order to ensure that students and supervisors experience a high quality learning experience during all placements irrespective of location we audit our practice placements for compliance with legislation, standards and guidance. These standards and audits are in place to check that they will offer student’s the placement learning opportunities required to meet the approved Learning Outcomes for any given course. They include:

  • PSRB standards
  • Health and Safety legislation

Placement education audits also take account of student evaluations of their placement learning experience and feedback from providers.  All quality assurance information can be found on the Quality Assurance (Audits and Student and Practice Evaluations) Section of the Policy Library page of this website.

NMC Standards

Social Work England (SWE) Standards

British Association of Social Work (BASW) - Quality Assurance in Practice Learning (QAPL)

British Association of Social Work (BASW) AND Royal College of Nursing (Rcn) - Student support