Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor Preparation
If you are a qualified health professional and you want to become a Practice Supervisor or Practice Assessor, please contact your Trust Education Team for advice on how to become a Practice Supervisor or Practice Assessor.
Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor Updates
The core areas that all SHU Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor updates must include and which should be very clearly communicated are:
- Update with NMC professional standards
- Understand the students' programme
- Understand assessment process that occurs in practice
- Understand process to follow when a student is failing to progress
- Know how to access placement information websites for key information and SHU contacts
- Know how to access placement information websites for key information about support available to them in their role in supporting the students
- Know SHU placement learning policies are housed on the SHU placement learning websites and know processes for escalation of concerns, and
- The essential need for the placement provider to communicate with the university about any incidents or accidents or concerns.
As an indicator of good practice the update should be recorded on PARE. If you need further advice please contact the Learning Environment Manager or Link Lecturer for your clinical area.