Supervisor and Practice Educator Preparation and Support

Supervisor and Practice Educator Preparation and Support

Supervisor and Practice Educator Updates

The following Core areas must be included in all Supervisor, Mentor and Practice Educator updates:

  • HCPC professional standards, including new SCPE
  • Overview of the students' university programme
  • Assessment process that occurs in practice
  • Process to follow when a student is failing to progress
  • How to access placement information websites for key information and SHU contacts
  • How to access placement information websites for key information about support available to Mentors/Practice Educators/Supervisors in their role in supporting the students
  • Where SHU placement learning policies are housed on the SHU placement learning websites
  • Processes for escalation of concerns, and the essential need for the placement provider to communicate with the university about any incidents or accidents or concerns

Degree Apprenticeship 

Degree Apprenticeship - resources to support the role of the Work Based Mentor.

Work Based Mentor Website - this site contains resources designed to support the role of the Work Based Mentor who is supporting students on the Degree Apprenticeship route.