More Projects

More Projects

We engage in a range of projects including both regional and national clients and partner organisations. This variety of projects showcases the extensive impact our students have on their local communities as well as on a broader scale.

Seen, Heard, Valued.

Contributing to a large-scale collaborative project hosted at Sheffield Hallam, our BA (Hons) Fine Art students supported the production and curation of the ‘Seen, Heard, Valued’ exhibition which highlighted the efforts of Save The Children UK and the Sheffield Early Learning Community to improve the lives of local families. The exhibition was a huge success, and was featured in both local and regional news.

A patchwork quilt design displayed at the exhibition, created by the families and children of the ELC.
A patchwork quilt created by the families of the Sheffield ELC.
A black lightbox design, with words of poetry cut out, allowing the light to shine through.
Light-box design by student Jasmin Von Schreiber.

Hallam Green

BA (Hons) Graphic Design students were tasked with proposing new ideas for a light-box installation in the Hallam Green space to enhance its appearance and visitor experience. Student Jasmin Von Schreiber successfully pitched her concept, which included poetry written about the local area and community. Her light-box design is now in production and will soon be installed in the space.

Writing Romantacy

In a project aimed at allowing students to explore potential career paths, BA (Hons) Creative Writing students delved into the publishing world. They were tasked with pitching a series of 'Romantacy' novels to Daisy Watt, Commissioning Editor at HarperNorth. The students collaborated in small groups, with each student proposing one novel idea for their group’s collective series.

Two students present their Romantacy novel ideas to their coursemates.
Students pitching their 'Romantacy' novels.