Mental health

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Mental health

If you experience mental health difficulties, you can discuss your needs with a Disability Adviser.

Support offered

We will work with you to understand how your mental health affects your studies and how we can support you as a learner.
Your Disability Adviser will discuss your needs with you and provide support through a learning contract.

Learning Contract support can include:

  • adjustments to coursework, including presentations and practical work
  • extended deadlines on coursework
  • adjustments to groupwork
  • adjustments to exams such as a smaller room or rest breaks.

We can support you to apply for funded support such as:

  • a one-to-one Specialist Mentor to help with motivation, organisation and to help keep you on track with your work.
  • access to equipment and assistive software to support notetaking, reading, writing and planning. 

We can also refer you to other University services for further support. We work closely with Student Wellbeing and the Inclusive Support team who may be able to offer you additional support with your mental health.

Evidence requirements

To get support, you will need to provide a document that shows you have support with your mental health. Some examples include:

  • a summary of your GP record (Patient Summary). You can ask for this from your GP free of charge or take screenshots from your NHS app
  • a letter from a Counsellor or other medical professional
  • if you are accessing our Student Wellbeing Service you can ask your Practitioner to provide evidence
  • appointment letters/referral letters to a mental health service

If you can't provide any of the above documents, you could ask your medical professional to complete a disability evidence form (PDF, 203.8KB).

If you would like to chat with us about your disability evidence, please book a Quick Query Appointment

Contact us

Get in touch with Disabled Student Support if you have any questions or concerns.

Contact Disabled Student Support