Google apps

Google apps

Google Apps are a collection of web based tools similar to Microsoft Office 365, including a spreadsheet, word processor and presentation tool. The major benefits of using Google Apps are collaboration and safer cloud storage. They are accessible anywhere via your Google account or mobile apps. Every Hallam student has a student Google Drive account however you can also have a personal account which will last beyond graduation.

Introduction to Google apps

How to access Google Apps

Your student Google Drive account can be accessed through Blackboard. From here you will be able to use a range of apps.

Here are some of the Google apps which are most commonly used:

Google Drive

Google Drive can be used to safely store your files whilst at university, giving you 5tb of file storage. You can view your documents on any smartphone, tablet or computer, and files can be easily shared with others so that they can view, download or collaborate on the files.

Google Docs

Google Docs is a word processing tool, similar to Microsoft Word, that can be used on a desktop PC, laptop or any smart device. Documents created in Google Docs are saved automatically to your Google Drive as you work on them. Google Docs enables you to work on a text document simultaneously with other people.

Google Slides

Google Slides allows you to create and collaborate on slide-based presentations, similar to Microsoft Powerpoint. These can then be accessed and presented from anywhere by logging in to Google Slides. Once logged in, collaborators can work on the slides simultaneously regardless of location. It also has a ‘history function’ which could be used to evidence contribution to a group task if required.

Google Sheets

Google Sheets lets you create spreadsheets, charts and graphs, similar to Microsoft Excel. This can be used on your laptop, phone or tablet, and lets you collaborate with others at the same time. Your work will also be automatically saved onto your Google drive.

Google Apps for students

The following LinkedIn Learning course will show you how to use Google Apps whilst at university to safely store files, send emails, create documents and collaborate with others.