How to access
Panopto can be accessed from your MyHallam module, via a web browser or using the mobile application that is available on Android and iOS. You will need to login using your Hallam credentials. Note: There are two mobile applications for Panopto. You will need to slect the 'SHU login' option and then use your Hallam login credetials.
Note: There are two mobile applications for Panopto, you will need to download the Panopto application and not Panopto Legacy. If you get an error message that says that you don’t have permissions to view a video, you should wait a minute and then refresh the page
How to record a video
There are three ways to create videos: Panopto Recorder (Application), Panopto Capture (Web) and the Panopto App. If you want to use Panopto Recorder on a Hallam computer, you will need to launch it from AppsAnywhere. If you receive a .net error message when using Panopto Recorder you should contact IT Help for assistance. Note: Panopto Capture is not available on Safari. You are also able to upload videos that you have created using another tool to Panopto. Once the video has been created or uploaded, you can edit the video in Panopto.
Watch our video on how to submit media files to Blackboard using Panopto.