

Infographics are a way to present information in a visual, engaging way. They combine images, icons and small amounts of text and data and work well for statistical information and timelines, including for CVs. You don’t need experience as a graphic designer to be able to create professional and effective infographics as there are many free online tools that offer templates to help you get started. This section will cover one of these tools, Piktochart.

What is an infographic?

Here's a short video with a basic explanation of what an infographic is.

LinkedIn Learning course

The following LinkedIn Learning course shows you how to create engaging and successful infographics that will stand out from the crowd. The course will cover the fundamentals behind good visual communication, different types of infographics, and design principles and techniques that will help you create engaging infographics.


Piktochart is a web-based infographic application which allows users without intensive experience as graphic designers to easily create infographics and visuals using themed templates. Piktochart is focused on empowering users to create infographics that are web-publisher ready and able to stand alone as a piece of multimedia content. Piktochart provides over 600 templates which users can edit, or customize as desired.

You can create a free Piktochart account.

Piktochart tutorials

You can find tutorials covering the use of all Piktocharts features at the Piktochart support centre.

Also useful short videos covering the key features of Piktochart can be found on YouTube page Piktochart Centre.