Sub page

Sub page

The sub page templates are used underneath the section homepage. Below is an example of what a sub page looks like.

Example of a sub page template

The subpage layout is used for a variety of page types.

  • News (listing and detail)
  • Event (listing and detail)
  • Project (listing and detail)
  • Editorial (listing and detail)
  • Case Study (listing and detail)

Page regions

There are four regions on a subpage.

  • Navigation contains the main website navigation and search. The secondary navigation sits below and with the tertiary navigation on the left.
  • Main content is the information that the user is visiting the page for.
  • Supporting content includes call to actions and links to other pages that directly supports your main content.
  • Related content links to other related content that has a similar theme or topic.
Overlay showing the page regions of the subpage

Where can I add components?

The components that you can add to each region on the sub page are listed below.

Main content

  • Image
  • Video
  • R45 - Text component
  • Call to action group
  • Two column 50/50
  • Themed navigation block

Supporting content

  • Call to action group
  • Call out CTA
  • Link list basic
  • Text content

Related content

  • Story card list
  • Text content
  • Themed navigation block
  • Call to action group