Section homepage

Section homepage

The section homepage template is to be used as the ‘front page’ for a section. Here is an example of what a section homepage looks like.

Example of the section homepage template

Page regions

There are three regions on a section homepage.

  • Navigation contains the main website navigation and search. The secondary navigation sits underneath
  • Main content is a summary of the section and content to navigate to. It highlights featured items and links to primary content to help users quickly get to the information they are looking for.
  • Supporting content includes call to actions and links to other useful content.
Overlay showing the section homepage page regions

Where can I add components?

The components that you can add to each region on the section homepage are listed below.

Main content components

  • R45 - Text Component
  • Video
  • Image
  • Call to action group
  • Two column 50/50
  • Featured content
  • Themed navigation block
  • Link list styled mobile

Supporting content components

  • Link list styled
  • Link list basic
  • Text content
  • Image