News page

News page

On this page: Overview | Components | When to use | Location | Access | How to use | Publishing


Currently only available for the media centre/news section.

The ‘News page’ template is used to present short or long form content describing a news event. The page consists of text and image content, links to the people, departments and research centres involved, plus any related articles.

The news page template differs from standard Sitecore templates in that it is pre-configured so that all the core components and layout of the page is already set up ready to use.

It is designed to be reusable so that you simply need to copy the template, choose a location and then update with new content. The following guidance will explain this process.

The news template ready to edit

A news page once published will be visible on both of the following pages:


The following page components make up the ‘News page’ template as standard, with no prior component configuration needed. Guidance for each of the components listed below can be found on our components section.

Main content
R45 TextComponent

Related content
Story card list
Story card item

Supporting content
Text Content
Link List Basic
Navigation link

When to use

Use this template when you want to promote a university related news piece for the news/media centre section of the SHU website.

Any news items created can also be promoted on the ‘Latest news’ navigation block.

News CTA's on the News landing page


The ‘News page’ template can be found within the ‘Shared designs’ folder located in the following Sitecore directory:

/sitecore/content/Main site/Home/News/Datasource/Shared designs/News page


The ‘News page’ template is accessible by any user with access to the /News section.

How to use

Create the page

  • From the Sitecore dashboard open the Content Editor
  • Navigate to the '/Main site/Home/News/Datasource/Shared designs' folder in the content tree
The shared designs folder in the content tree
  • Locate the ‘News page’ template
  • Right click on the template
  • Choose ‘Copying’
  • Choose ‘Copy To’

Note: Avoid using the 'Duplicate' option.

The copy process for a news template
  • On the pop up window navigate to the news listing page in the tree: /sitecore/content/Main site/Home/News/All articles/Latest news
  • Left click and select the ‘Latest news’’
  • Select the Copy button below
  • Back on the content tree navigate to the news listing page
  • You should see your new page titled ‘Copy of News page’
  • The page and items it contains will all be in draft workflow status ready to edit: /sitecore/content/Main site/Home/News/All articles/Latest news
  • Right click on the item in the tree and choose ‘Rename’. The words used will form the page URL so try to keep words descriptive, to a minimum and ensure no special characters or numbers are used.

Required fields

Before we add the page content we need to complete several required fields before the page will be publishable.

  • Select the news page you’ve created in the content tree.
  • View the content window to the right.
  • Looking at the ‘Author’ field click the ‘Insert link’ option and navigate to the staff profile in the content tree (Main site/Home/About us/Our people/Staff profiles)
The author field in the content editor
  • The ‘Content date
  • Insert a ‘Content Listing Image’.
  • Enter a ‘ListingSummary’.
  • Insert a ‘BrowserTitle’
  • Enter a ‘Metadata description’.
  • Under the Taxonomy section locate the Semantic box.
Adding semantic tags to your news page
  • Use the folders and arrows to select and move across items within Media Center which correspond to the news article e.g. Architecture, Books and writing.
  • Insert a Menu Title
  • Page Title

The Editorial template which is also available in the shared designs folder offers an extra 'Reading Time' field. This can be a useful indicator to a visitor of how long an article is before opening.

Adding page content

Page content can be added in one of two ways:

1) Through the content tree by browsing to the pages data source folder. The content within it is organized by ‘Main content’ and ‘Supporting content’ in line with the structure of our page templates.

The news page datasource components in the content tree

2) Open the page in the Experience Editor and update each component in turn by selecting it.

All the page components are saved locally to the page underneath its 'datasource' folder apart from the 'Press contact' component located on the left navigation/supporting content. This is instead a global item located in the following directory.

/sitecore/content/Main site/Home/News preview/Datasource/Contact press office news page

This is so that we only need to edit the one component location and it will update every article/page that references it.

The news page template open in the experience editor

Any components or navigation links that are not needed can be deleted via the XE from the page. The items will remain in the content tree but not be published.


When ready to publish the news article page follow the publishing order process. Note that you will have two extra folders to publish compared to a standard Sitecore page, a 'Main content' folder and a 'Supporting content' folder. The same top to bottom publishing order will apply.