Editing an existing page

Editing an existing page

Should you need to edit a page that already exists you will first need to lock the page to your account.

Navigate to the item you want to edit in the content tree and select ‘Edit’ in the workflow section of the ribbon.

Choosing edit on an existing page

The page is now locked out to you, the workflow section of the ribbon will say ‘You have locked this item’:

A locked out page in Sitecore

Working with versions

Each time you edit an item in Sitecore, a new version of that item is created. You can navigate to previous versions of an item using the version toggle on the right hand side of the editor:

An items version history in Sitecore

It is best practice to keep versions to a minimum. By default, the amount of versions held against any item is limited to 10. You can create many more versions than this, but only the last 10 are saved.

It sounds obvious, but only edit an item in Sitecore if you intend to make a change. If you select ‘edit’ and want to check out an item without making any changes, it is best to delete the version. To do this:

  • whist the item is locked out to you, select the Remove button in the versions tab:
The remove version button in Sitecore
  • Select ‘OK’ when the dialogue appears
The confirm version deletion window in Sitecore

The version will be deleted and you will be checked out of the item