Themed navigation block

Themed navigation block

Use this component on section homepages to aid navigation to key sections.

The themed navigation block used to highlight three content pages

Highlight key content on your section homepage:

A themed navigation block on a section homepage

Add themes to your navigation to group related content, for example research themes or upcoming events.

A themed navigation block on a section homepage

How to add a themed navigation block

When adding themed navigation blocks to a page, first add a ‘themed navigation component’ component. This is the container for the links (CTAs items).

Adding a themed navigation block rendering in the experience editor

To add your CTA items, select the ‘component’ link in the ribbon and select ‘Add here’ within your themed navigation block. Choose CTA item from the dialogue.

Adding a CTA item in a themed navigation block

Add as many CTAs as required. Once added, save your page, exit and open the content editor. Edit and publish each CTA item as required.

Number of columns

You can adjust the number of CTA Items used in each row by editing the 'Number of Columns' field on the 'Themed Navigation Block' item in the content tree in the content editor.

Fields to populate

Themed navigation block

  • Title - An optional title for the navigation
  • Link - An optional link displayed on the top right of the navigation block
  • Screen reader only description - An optional accessibility field to provide additional descriptive link detail for the reader. For example where links are 'Read more', 'See all' etc.

CTA item

  • Title - Your CTA title
  • Text - Do not populate this field
  • Link - destination and description of link. Use either Insert link (link to another Sitecore page) or Insert external Link (link to a none-Sitecore page anywhere on the web) Note: You add the description in the dialogue box after selecting ‘Insert link’ or ‘Insert external’
  • Image - The image used in your story card. Dimensions: 700px X 394px
  • Title heading level - Ignore this field


To keep content organised in the content tree, add your CTA items as child items of your Themed Navigation Block

CTA Items saved within a Themed Navigation Block