Story card list

Story card list

Use this component at the bottom of your page to link to related content.

The story card component used to highlight three pages

The story card component will adapt its layout depending on the number of cards used. It will also automatically stack the story cards above each other depending on the type or size of the screen being used by the visitor.

This is shown in the following example which uses just a single card.

A story card used to promote a single page

How to add a story card list

When adding story cards to a page you first have to add a ‘Story card list’ component.

Click on the grey area towards the bottom of the page and select 'Add here'.

Adding a story card list in the sitecore experience editor

Select the 'Story Card list' rendering.

Adding a story card list using the experience editor

Once added, save your page, exit and open the content editor.

In the content editor you can then add a story card by inserting a ‘Story card item’. Add more than one ‘Story card item’ to create your list. Add up to 3 items.

Inserting a new story card item in the content editor

Fields to populate

Story card list (aka Story card grouping)

  • Title - Title of the list

Story card item

  • Title - Your link text
  • Content - Do not populate this field
  • Image - The image used in your story card. Dimensions: 700px X 394px
  • Link - destination of link. Use either Insert link (link to another Sitecore page) or Insert external Link (link to a none-Sitecore page anywhere on the web)