Link list styled

Link list styled

This guidance also refers to the link list style mobile component. Use these components on section homepages to aid navigation to key sections.

They should be used in conjunction with each other to ensure key call to actions remain at the top of the page in mobile view.

Example: Graduation section homepage

Link list styled can is added to the right column of section homepages and will only appear on desktop or tablet view.

A link list styled on in a standard desktop view

Link list styled mobile containing the same list items can be added below the breadcrumb in the main content area. This only appears when the page is accessed in mobile view.

A link list styled in a standard mobile view

How to add these components

Firstly, you need to add a ‘link list styled’ or ‘link list styled mobile’ component.

Adding a link list styled component in the experience editor of Sitecore

Once added, save the page, exit and open the experience editor. In the content editor you add a link item by right clicking on the ‘link list styled’ in the content tree and clicking ‘insert’ and ‘navigation link.’ You can add multiple links to your list.

Inserting a navigation link to a link list styled

Make sure that the following fields are populated when adding these components:

Link list styled/link list styled mobile

  • Title — what you want the title of your list to be

Navigation link

  • Title — the link text.
  • Link — the destination of the link. Use the ‘insert link’ option for Sitecore pages or ‘insert external link’ for external webpages.
  • Primary link — ignore this field.