Link list basic

Link list basic

You can use this component to add simple link lists to your web pages.

A link list basic component example the Sheffield Hallam University website

Add a list to the right column on section homepages

A link list basic component on a section homepage

Add a list to the left column of content pages to highlight supporting content.

The link list basic component used as supporting content

Add a list to a ‘50/50’ component to help organise links to multiple pages.

The link list basic component used in a 50 50 component

How to add a Link list

When adding link lists to a page you first have to add a ‘Link list basic’ component:

Adding a link list basic component in the experience editor

Once added, save your page, exit and open the content editor.

In the content editor you can then add a link item by inserting a ‘NavigationLink’. You can add more than one ‘NavigationLink’ to create your list.

Adding a navigation link to a link list basic component

Fields to populate

Link list

  • Title - Title of the list


  • Title - Your link text
  • Link - destination of link. Use either Insert link (link to another Sitecore page) or Insert external Link (link to a none-Sitecore page anywhere on the web)
  • Primary link - Ignore this field