Dynamic navigation block

Dynamic navigation block

Component guide

This component is designed to work on new design templates only, it can be added to the section homepage and new content page. You can use this component to aid navigation.

This component can be added using two methods:
By auto-population where the latest content is automatically added to the page.
Or by manual selection, where the web editor can choose which articles to display.

Please note that the components populated image is generated from the 'listing image' from the destination page, this image should be 700x394.

Example component

An example of the dynamic themed nav
An example of the dynamic navigation block

How to add a dynamic themed navigation

When adding dynamic navigation blocks to a page, first add a ‘dynamic navigation’ component.

Selecting the dynamic navigation component

Additional settings are required to populate the component, select the blue square to open the component properties.

Adding a dynamic navigation component

There are several options that you can select to configure the component. Primarily there are two options, auto-populate the component by tags or manually populate the component. Please read the appropriate instructions below.

Dynamic navigation options

Manual mode (default)

  1. Select 'manual' on the mode option
  2. Go to 'CTA pages for manual mode'
  3. Use the tree to find the desired pages
  4. Select each page with the right arrow, if you accidentally add an incorrect page you can use the left arrow to remove it
  5. Save and publish the component

Tag mode

  1. Select 'tag' on the mode option
  2. Go to 'target locations' and locate a listing page that features tags (see example page)
  3. Next, head to the semantic tag and select each tag that you would like to auto-populate the component

Additional settings

You can opt to remove imagery if the populated pages do not have an image associated or you do not want to populate the component with imagery. To do this select the hide imagery option.

To hide tags, you can select the 'hide semantic tags' option in the settings to remove tags from view.

To remove the populated page date you can select the hide publish date button. 

If you would like to advertise a parent page related to your conent you can select the page (external or internal) by adding a link to the navigation block link.

To adjust the layout you can select the 'column' and 'max CTAs' option to adjust each value respectively. 

Advanced options

The page title is used to populate the heading field, however, if there is a requirement for an alternative heading the editor can use the menu title as an alternative heading. If the menu title is populated this field will be selected as the default option for the heading.

The listing summary is used to populate the description, if the editor wants to use an alternative then the titleintro text field is available as an alternative description. Again, if the titleintro field is populated this will be the selected default to populate the description.

Fields to populate

  • NavigationBlockTitle - An optional title for the navigation
  • NavigationBlockLink - Optional link to advertise related content
  • Columns - The number of columns to display 
  • MaxCTAs - The number of calls to action to display
  • HideImages - Option to remove imagery from view
  • HidePublishDate - Option to remove the publishing date from view
  • Mode - The toggle between manual and tag mode
  • HideSemanticTag - Hide the tag from displaying (tag mode)
  • SemanticTag - Selected tags to autopopulate content (tag mode)
  • TargetLocations - Navigation locations (manual mode)
  • CTAPagesForManualMode - Calls to action (manual mode)