Call to action group

Call to action group

This component can be used to add prominent links and calls-to-action (CTAs) to your pages.

You can add a CTA to a ‘featured’ or ‘50/50’ content block component or either side of the main page content.

A CTA button within a component.

Fields to populate

Make sure that the following fields are populated when adding this component:

  • Format - you can choose the primary or secondary design or whether to display the button as disabled.
  • Link - the destination of the user when the CTA is pressed. You can use ‘insert link’ to link to a Sitecore page or use ‘insert external link’ to direct to an external webpage.
  • Screen reader only description - An optional accessibility field to provide additional descriptive link detail for the reader. For example where links are 'Read more', 'See all' etc.
  • Text - input the text to be displayed in the button.

How to add a CTA

When adding a CTA button to a page, you first have to add a ‘Call to Action Group’ component when adding a component in the experience editor.

Selecting a CTA Group rendering in Sitecores experience editor

Once added, save your page, exit and open the content editor.

In the content editor, to add a button, right-click on the ‘Call to action group' that you've created, select ‘insert’ and ‘call to action item’.

Inserting a CTA item using the content editor

You can add more than one ‘call to action item’ if you have multiple CTAs.

Where you have multiple CTAs next to each other, you can use the ‘primary’ format to highlight the most important CTA, and give subsequent CTAs a format of ‘Secondary design’.

The primary and secondary CTA button designs