


Administrator – A special user that has full access to all content and functionality regardless of any defined access rights.
User – A person accessing the Sitecore content management clients or visiting a published web site. A visitor who is not authenticated appears as an “anonymous” user.

CMS user interface and functionality

Breadcrumb  A breadcrumb is a small text path, often located at the top of a page indicating where the user is on the site.
Content Item – An item that contains information that will appear on the published web site.
Display Name – The label to display for the item in the content tree. If provided, the display name overrides the default display of the item's name.
Field – Templates employ different types of Fields to collect data.
GUID/item ID – a Globally Unique Identifier. Sitecore assigns every item a GUID which helps to quickly locate an item.
Hidden – controls whether Sitecore displays an item in the content tree.
Item – An addressable unit of content made up of fields that contain information.
Media Library (Media Browser) – The Media Library, accessed with the Media Browser, is used to manage media files (images, PDF's, documents, audio, video, and multimedia) are stored in the Media Library.
Path – A unique path identifying the locatoin of an item relative to other items.
Publication – Once new or changed content has been approved, it can be published, making it available to Published Site Users.
Published Site (Live Site) – The Published Site or Live Site is an Internet or intranet site that uses content and other resources managed by the CMS.
Ribbon – The topmost part of the Content Editor is called the ribbon. It provides access to Sitecore editing functionality. The ribbon is comprised of tabs that are segmented into groups.
Workbox – The Workbox gives the user with the appropriate rights an overview of the workflows and items available in different workflow states. It is organized by workflow, the workflow state, then the items included in each state.

Workflow and publishing

Approval – Content created or updated by one CMS user must be approved by another User before Publication.
Archive – The archive function allows a user to retain a piece of content, but remove it from the active content tree. The content is then stored in a seperate archive database.
Content Tree – The Content Tree allows viewing the Sitecore system as a tree with child items grouped under their parents. The Content Tree Structure is displayed by default and contains the hierarchy of folders and content records comprising the site.
Lock – Prevents multiple users from updating a single item simultaneously. Note that a lock does not prevent publication, but locking a version of an item that is associated with a final workflow state creates a new version of the item and places it in the initial workflow state of the workflow associated with that item.
Tree Structure – The left-hand pane of the Sitecore User Interface is referred to as the Tree Structure, working much like a tool palette in windows applications.
Workflow State – Represents a step in the workflow process.

Workflow – A collection of states and commands that an item must move through before becoming publishable. Workflows determine the process of content creation, maintenance, and review.
Validation Workflow Action – Invokes validation rules. If the data does not meet the validation requirements, Sitecore prevents the item from moving to the configured next workflow state.
Version – Represents a copy of an item with a distinct set of field values. Items can contain any number of versions for each of the languages supported by the site.