Everything you need to know...
What is the fee?
Home: £10,620 for the course
International/EU: £10,620 for the course -
How long will I study?
3 Years
Where will I study?
When do I start?
September 2025
1. Course summary
- Understand the determinants of emotional wellbeing for children and young people.
- Apply your skills and knowledge in early interventions with families.
- Gain postgraduate qualifications from a PgCert to an MSc.
- Work effectively with children, young people and families with mental health issues.
On this course you’ll develop your knowledge of mental health for children, adolescents and families around an existing job role. You’ll consider the factors which affect emotional health from an early age, and focus on a specific area in a dissertation. You’ll graduate with an increased awareness and ability to support children, young people and families with their mental health.
2. How you learn
You’ll access and explore learning materials online, learning at your own pace. You’ll explore theoretical models and principles alongside practical interventions and approaches.
This course is relevant to anyone who’s working with children, young people and families where mental health is an issue. Your professional background could be in nursing, allied health, education, social work, charitable/project work. And you don't necessarily need to have had previous training within mental health.
You learn through
- flexible distance learning
- stimulating and up-to-date online materials
- guidance from experienced staff
- online interactions with fellow students
- formative and summative assessments
- the production of a health promotion resource
Through core modules you’ll consider the factors that influence emotional health, as well as conditions, interventions, health promotion and research. You can choose other modules based on your role and interests – and a dissertation module allows you to consolidate and focus your learning.
Course leaders and tutors

Greg Thomas
Senior Lecturer Mental Health NursingHaving qualified as a Mental Health Nurse I specialised straightaway in the area of CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health), and my clinical career involved worki … Read more
Applied learning
Live projects
You’ll be able to draw from and expand upon the materials presented within the course, applying them to your own specific role. Throughout the course you'll keep a log of your experiences and applied learning. You’ll have ongoing assessments to help you reflect on your practice.
You’ll also produce resources that can be used within your area of practice. This will help you expand your ‘toolkit’ in approaching and supporting children, adolescents and families with mental health issues.
Networking opportunities
Throughout the course you’ll learn from health, social care, education and voluntary sector practitioners across the mental health sectors. You’ll also interact with peers and other students – hearing about experiences from a diverse variety of professions.
3. Future careers
This course prepares you for a career in
- mental health practice with children, adolescents and families
- mental health linking
- mental health liaison
- consultation
- teaching/training
- mental health project work/research
4. Where will I study?
You study this course online from any location
5. Equipment and facilities
On this course you work with
- dedicated Blackboard module sites
- video and text-based resources
- discussion forums
- interactive notice boards
- webinar platforms
- module reading lists and the wider Library Gateway
We’ve invested over £100m in new facilities to help you study how and when you want. This means 24-hour libraries and study spaces designed by our students.
6. Entry requirements
All students
Normally, applicants will hold a first degree or professional qualification which is recognised in the UK in a related subject. A first degree in a relevant subject for example BSc (Hons) Nursing/Education/Social Work. Those who have already completed the PGCert in Child, Adolescent & Family Mental Health would be able to APEL onto further parts of the course.
Other formally certified qualifications
Equivalent, international academic and/or professional qualifications will be accepted. Applicants will be considered on other relevant evidence which may include for example documented evidence of recent CPD activity, innovative practice, practice leadership, service development, research projects and/or publications. Such evidence must be clearly described in any application
Level of English language capability
Where English is not your first language an IELTS score of 6.5 is required, with a minimum of 6.0 in writing and no individual element below 5.5.
Relevant work or work-related experience
It would be expected that applicants have worked or would be working with children, adolescents or families in some capacity.
Motivation and engagement
Applicants will be motivated and prepared to study independently and autonomously. They must be prepared to embrace the challenges of Masters level study in an online distance learning environment, have access to a reliable internet connection to support engagement and have sound IT skills.
The programme is intellectually challenging and applicants should be prepared to actively contribute to discussion and debate; critically reflect upon own and others practice; explore and evaluate the evidence base underpinning their chosen course of study.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) (previously known as accreditation for prior learning or APL)
Through the University's recognition of prior learning (RPL) process it may be possible for applicants to be exempt from some modules of the programme.
Recognition of prior learning is a term used to make explicit the link between assessment used as the basis for recognising learning gained outside of a formal programme and that used for learning within a programme; the key features of sound practice are common to both forms.
The term 'recognition' is used to describe accurately the process in relation to two widely recognised forms of prior learning: prior certificated learning and prior informal (or experiential) learning. The recognition of prior certificated learning involves the transfer of credit, or exemption from part of a programme, for learning that has previously been formally assessed. The essential characteristic of such learning is that the student has a certificate to evidence that the learning has been assessed. Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) determines the status of that certification (including consideration of its volume and level) as it relates to this specific course. All applicants who wish to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning must have been offered a place on the course and then are supported to complete the University online RPL process.
Through RPL procedures, applicants to SHU, or students already enrolled on SHU courses, may be able to use credit gained from formal study and assessment elsewhere, or from within the University, to count towards this award or to transfer to a different University award. The recognition of prior informal learning involves an assessment process on the part of SHU academic staff that leads to recognition, normally through the award of credit. The essential feature of this process is that it is the learning (gained through experience) which is being assessed not the experience itself.
In both cases recognition takes place within SHU's assessment and regulatory framework, which is designed to ensure that assessment decisions are conducted transparently, fairly and consistently for all programmes or subjects. The QAA indicators of sound practice are fully adhered to, and SHU publishes comprehensive guidance on RPL which is available to read publicly on SHU space under 'Rules and Regulations'. Students can apply for exemption from specific modules if they can provide evidence of previous certificated learning.
The process will commence with confirmation of a student being offered a place on the course. Claims under the RPL regulations will be considered by the course leader and other relevant colleagues. Students must provide evidence in the form of certification, the successful completion of the assessment activity, its academic level and credit rating. Outcomes of successful RPL claims will be ratified by the Board of Examiners and details recorded on individual student records.
Additional information for EU/International students
If you are an International or non-UK European student, you can find out more about the country specific qualifications we accept on our international qualifications page.
For details of English language entry requirements (IELTS), please see the information for 'All students'.
Important notice: The structure of this course is periodically reviewed and enhanced to provide the best possible learning experience for our students and ensure ongoing compliance with any professional, statutory and regulatory body standards. Module structure, content, delivery and assessment may change, but we expect the focus of the course and the learning outcomes to remain as described above. Following any changes, updated module information will be published on this page.
Compulsory modules
Early Intervention In Child, Adolescent And Family Mental Health
Enhancing Practice In Child, Adolescent And Family Mental Health
Compulsory modules
Researching For Practice (Distance Learning)
Elective modules
Advanced Communication In Supportive Care
Contemporary Issues In Advancing Practice (Distance Learning)
Evaluating Service Improvement (Distance Learning)
Exercise For Mental Health And Psychological Wellbeing (Distance Learning)
Health Promotion And Lifestyle Management
Interprofessional Education (Distance Learning)
Leadership In Practice (Distance Learning)
Learners In Difficulty (Distance Learning)
Learning And Teaching For Practice (Distance Learning)
Loss, Grief And Bereavement
Mental Health Recovery And Maternal Care
Perinatal Mental Health And The Family
Planning Service Improvement (Distance Learning)
Compulsory modules
Dissertation 60 Credits
8. Fees and funding
Home students
Our tuition fee for UK students starting part-time study in 2025/26 is £10,620 for the course. The tuition fee displayed above is for the full course. If the full course is more than one year in duration, the fee will be divided into annual payments which will then be rounded. This may mean the total fee you pay is slightly higher than the fee stated above. If you take a break in study or have to re-take part of the course, you may also be charged an additional fee and will be notified of this at the time. Our tuition fee for UK students starting part-time study in 2025/26 is £3,540 per year.
If you are studying an undergraduate course, postgraduate pre-registration course or postgraduate research course over more than one academic year then your tuition fees may increase in subsequent years in line with Government regulations or UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) published fees. More information can be found in our terms and conditions under student fees regulations.
International students
Our tuition fee for International/EU students starting part-time study in 2025/26 is £10,620 for the course. The tuition fee displayed above is for the full course. If the full course is more than one year in duration, the fee will be divided into annual payments which will then be rounded. This may mean the total fee you pay is slightly higher than the fee stated above. If you take a break in study or have to re-take part of the course, you may also be charged an additional fee and will be notified of this at the time.

Postgraduate student loans
Up to £12,858 is available in 2025/26 for home students on most masters courses.
Additional course costs
The links below allow you to view estimated general course additional costs, as well as costs associated with key activities on specific courses. These are estimates and are intended only as an indication of potential additional expenses. Actual costs can vary greatly depending on the choices you make during your course.
General course additional costs
Additional costs for Health and Social Care (PDF, 165.7KB)Legal information
Any offer of a place to study is subject to your acceptance of the University’s Terms and Conditions and Student Regulations.