The Positive Pathway Model: A Rapid Evaluation of its Impact

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The Positive Pathway Model: A Rapid Evaluation of its Impact

Project Director: Stephen Green
Project Duration: 2016-2017

This report presents the key findings from a rapid evaluation of the impact of the St Basils 'Positive Pathway' accommodation and support model for young people. The Positive Pathway Model aims to 'help public service commissioners and providers of services to work together in planning and delivering services for young people recognising that safe, decent and affordable housing underpins achievement of other positive outcomes – whether these relate to education, training, employment, health, or safer communities’. The evaluation was commissioned by St Basils and conducted by the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University. The funders of the model, the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), requested a rapid evaluation to understand more about the model's impact within English local authorities. This report is the main output from this rapid evaluation, and aims to provide St Basils, DCLG, and their partners with a better understanding of the impact and traction that the Positive Pathway Model is having within local authorities and the effectiveness of St Basils' efforts to promote it. Based on these findings, the report makes recommendations with a view to supporting further development and refinement of the model.

The project team also included Ben Pattison (Sheffield Hallam University).

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Research team

Stephen Green 121537

Stephen Green

Senior Research Fellow

Stephen Green's profile
Lindsey McCarthy 220899

Lindsey McCarthy

Research Fellow

Lindsey McCarthy's profile